Friday, September 30, 2005

GOP's courtship of Black Voters is a Load of Bull (Moose)

Bill Bennet has just added credibility to my theory that all the GOP rhetoric about tolerance and their attempt to become more friendly towards African-Americans is just a load of bull. The following excerpt is from today's New York Times

"Mr. Bennett, who served as drug czar for the president's father, came under fire from Democratic Congressional leaders on Thursday for the comments, which were made on a his radio show, "Bill Bennett's Morning in America," earlier this week.

"I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down," Mr. Bennett said in the broadcast.

"In a radio broadcast on Thursday, Mr. Bennett called the criticism of him 'ridiculous, stupid, totally without merit.'"

In that same broadcast, Mr. Bennet did say that doing that would be "morally reprehensible," but it still doesn't disprove that his opinion on black people is that they are all criminals.

And this is not just an isolated incident. Remember that in 2002, Trent Lott had to resign his Senate leadership post because of comments that America would be better off if Strom Thurmond won the 1948 election running on a Jim Crow platform, John Roberts' opposition to the Voting RIghts Act of 1964, and a . Detroit GOP state legislator encouraging the "suppression" of the Detroit vote in last year's persidental election. (Detroit is 95% black) And let's of course not forget about Mr. Bush vetoing a hate-crimes bill as Governor of Texas passed as a response to the brutal James Byrd lynching..

Let's face it America: the GOP hasn't been the party of Lincoln since the right-wing takeover forced Teddy Roosevelt to flee the party and run as a Bull-Moose candidate in the election of 1912. The Ken Mehlmans and George Bushes of the world speak at black churches and appoint black cabinet members, but that is solely because they are concerned with the bottom line- getting black and moderate withe votes and increasing their power. But the true face of the party shows that these are just machiavellian motions that hold no resonance in the true hearts of the GOP. Minorities, beware.


Blogger WL said...


5:30 PM  
Blogger WL said...

Yo Rich what's up with this damn comment spam? Let's get rid of it & block anon comments, yeah?

8:50 AM  

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