I could make a few Monopoly or "Big Yellow Taxi" jokes...
...but I'm not gonna. The Supreme Court has handed down its long-awaited decision in Kelo v. City of New London. And liberals are still reeling from its 1-2 punch. Not only did the decision go against homeowner Susette Kelo, who was fighting the New London city government's eminent domain power, but the majority opinion in the 5-4 decision was written by none other than Justice Stevens, the grand-daddy of the liberal jurists on the high bench. Whoa.
I'll leave it to my colleagues on this blog to further dissect the decision, & I'll come back to rejoin the discussion later.
I'll leave it to my colleagues on this blog to further dissect the decision, & I'll come back to rejoin the discussion later.
OK I guess I'll kick-start the discussion. I for one find it disturbingly unnerving that I find myself on the same side as gun-toting, Bible-thumping, flag-waving conservatives on this case. And something is seriously rotten in the state of Connecticut when Clarence Thomas comes out sounding as anti-corporate as Michael Moore (check out the last sentence in the 1st para.).
More Kelo:
John Dean interviews one of Kelo's lawyers and somebody wants to take Justice Souter's land for public use.
And still more Kelo:
Supreme Court's Takings Hat Trick
Still more Kelo!
Congress Working on Bills to Blunt High Court's 'Kelo' Ruling
Thank God. I don't think there should be any constitutional problem with congress expandng the freedoms of citizens beyond what is in the constitution, just like the Civil Rights Act. Commerce clause, baby.
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