Monday, September 12, 2005


The Institute is proud to make the following endorsements in tomorrow's New York City Democratic primary:

For the Democratic nomination for Mayor:

Anthony Weiner. This decision is almost by default. We are forced to choose between Macauley Caulkin at age 35, the Abe Beame of the 2000's, a woman who is campaigning on NOT cutting taxes as a positive thing, and the smart nerdy kid who never gets laid. Because he at least seems to have an agenda, I endorse the smart nerdy kid who never gets laid.

For Public Advocate:

Andrew Rasiej. This decision is not by default. This race actually has 3 stronger candidates than the mayor's race has produced. Betsy Gotbaum's heart is in the right place, but she just hasn't achieved much in her tenure as an incumbent. Norman Siegel has an impressive resume and I think his positions on civil liberties are great- but we need him to stay where he already is, in the ACLU. Andrew Rasiej is a political outsider who has a very impressive resume of using technology for the public good. He started, a nonprofit organization whose goals are to bring technology, tools, and skills to public school students, helping them to learn lifelong skills and empowering them to improve their own schools’ technologies. This program is currently supporting 89,000 students and 6,000 teachers/administrators in 100 schools while saving the city over $1.2 million per year. He is running on universal wi-fi access for the entire city and all the potential benefits if has for transforming city government into a bottom-up operation. He has good experience in leadership in both the private and public sectors and gets my endorsement. I suggest you all check out, his website.

For Comptroller:

William Thompson, deservedly running unopposed. We'd prefer to be endorsing him for Mayor, but alas, he didn't run.

Remember- it ain't a democracy if nobody votes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: NYC Election

It was a landslide victory for Betsy Gotbaum - who hasn't done a thing in 4 years but still had the support of the political machine - and a dissapointing 4th place finish for Andrew Raseij - who had some great ideas and had the support of all the bloggers and internet "influencers".

It goes to show that the young, progressive urbanites have NO POLITICAL CLOUT. We got schooled by the old guard. It just re-affirms that the youth vote is a joke, and the 20/30 something vote is pathetic too. The AARP crowd rule this city, along with the unions, because they vote together and they actually VOTE!

Young singles, and young families will always be ignored if they can't get their act together.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Rich said...

Yeah, unfortunately that seems to be true. I was going to make a post to something of that effect, but you just did it for me. The blogosphere does not have an enviable record in political campaigns- Dean lost, Kerry lost, Hackett lost, Rasiej lost... Gotbaum had the advantages of being an incumbent and having most of the unions support her, plus the NY Times endorsement- in NYC, that's a deat knell for any challenger. I do think Rasiej has a good chancei n 09 because of the base he built here, but he does need to make a conscious effort to broaden his appeal beyond the blogosphere and start working on some union support now. The problem with unions is that they endorse whoever they think is gonna win, so it's kind of a chicken-and-egg scenario.

9:33 AM  
Blogger WL said...

It's not just the unions. I've never understood why the Democrats in the city continue to have different club machines instead of unifying under a single county/borough committee. Until they do, we'll continue to see 4-, 5-, 6-, 7-way races for offices as local as city council (or even Democratic district leader), with the one who's best-financed & kissed enough asses winning.

10:08 AM  
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3:02 AM  
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5:06 PM  

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